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Let’s Talk Green Entrepreneurship Series - Article 1
5 successful green entrepreneurship stories you should know about!!! What is the aim of this series? One of the biggest hurdles that the...

Building cities in the shade of Environment: 5 success stories
Image source - Recently, 31st October was celebrated as the World Cities Day by United Nations. Back when the...

Incentivized Eco-restoration: Save Nature and Earn Money
Image source - At the decade of Ecosystem restoration, it is eminent to note that the pace at which the general...

Ecosystem restoration: All you need to know in 5mins
Source -, Illustration by Claire Scully After the declaration by United Nations to celebrate this decade (2021-30) as...

Climate Change and The Eroding Coastal Communities
Photo credits: Rahul India being one of those countries with very high coastline with around I8000million km of coastline homing 260...

“DAM- AGE” നാശം വിതയ്ക്കാത്ത വികസനത്തിലൂടെ നാളത്തെ തലമുറയ്ക്ക് വഴി ഒരുക്കാം
ഡാമുകൾ (അണക്കെട്ടുകൾ) നമുക്ക് നൽകുന്ന സേവനങ്ങൾ വിസ്മരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടല്ല “DAM-AGE” എന്ന് പേരിട്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഈ പോസ്റ്റ് തയ്യാറാക്കിയിരിക്കുന്നത്....

Asia Pacific Climate Week 2019 Highlights
Recently in September I was selected to present my work at ATREE on up cycling and wetland conservation at the Asia Pacific Climate week...

Anu Radhakrishnan and Sanju Soman
Will wetlands help us cope?
Wetlands, as we know, are picturesque locations with lush green paddy fields and beckoning backwaters with gorgeous slender birds and...

Amirta Varshini Devarajan
Climate Change: Does it really bother me?
Glaciers melting, increasing sea levels or reduced forest cover, Should I be worried? I would rather finish my work than be bothered...

Rinan Shah
Exploring and Unraveling Domestic Water Scarcity in Urban Mountain Towns
Do you plan your day around the ways in which you could procure water? A large group of the people who are reading this have the benefit...

5 pictures that show climate change is real
Global Scientific community believes that a 2 degree rise in temperature from pre-industrial levels can be catastrophic. If emissions...

Jyotsana C
Forests in the Climate Change Conundrum
“The worst thing that can happen during the 1980s is not energy depletion, economic collapses, limited nuclear war, or conquest by a...

Deepak John
Health Woes in Times of Urban Floods
On Aug 29th, the monsoon fury unleashed on Mumbai, India’s financial city, brought it to a grinding halt. Two toddlers were among 14...

Abhishek Dave
India’s need for developing sustainable energy infrastructure in a carbon constrained future
India faces a challenge in providing sustainable energy access to all its citizens. While India has to bear the burden of global climate...

Sridhar Anantha
Impact of Climate change on Water Resources
Introduction: No one can deny the effect of climate change as a phenomenon, which is increasingly becoming evident to affect the food,...

Adithyan GS
Climate Change & Health- Who is at risk?
“Whoever wishes to investigate medicine properly, should proceed thus: in the first place to consider the seasons of the year, and what...

Shruti Nagbhushan
Whose environment is it anyway?
In a regular classroom discussion, we were once asked to define ‘environment’. Every one of us confidently shouted either ‘surrounding’,...
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